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Pathways to Success: Enhancing Online Math with Embedded Tutoring

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"Pathways to Success: Enhancing Online Math with Embedded Tutoring" offers a fresh perspective on online math education. It's centered around a simple, yet powerful idea: in asynchronous online math courses, students don't have to go it alone. They have access to a dedicated tutor, an ally who works in partnership with the professor, ready to provide support when it's needed most.

This approach transforms the learning experience. The tutor, knowledgeable and integrated into the course, is available for both virtual and face-to-face appointments, catering to diverse student needs. Incorporating the embedded tutor isn't just about solving math problems; it's about changing attitudes towards learning.
Rather than viewing it as a sign of weakness, students are learning to see it as a strategic tool for success. They're embracing the idea that reaching out for help is a smart, positive step in their learning journey. The result? More engagement, an improved understanding of math, and an environment where students are encouraged to proactively seek assistance.

In "Pathways to Success," I share real stories of how this model is changing the academic landscape. Students aren't just getting through their math courses; they're building confidence in their ability to tackle challenges and are more willing to seek help when they need it. This shift in mindset is key to not only succeeding in math but in their broader academic pursuits.

Professor Crenshaw is a previous Learning & Growing Webinar Presenter and Hawkes Guest Blogger!

Check out her top post: Using Connection and Belonging to Improve Academic Help-Seeking for Online Students

April C. Crenshaw,

Chattanooga State

April Crenshaw is an Associate Professor of Mathematics with 19+ years of combined teaching experience in higher education and K-12. She is an award-winning educator, having received national recognition twice for her innovative and inclusive teaching methods that engage students. Professor Crenshaw is passionate about making education accessible to all by incorporating principles of equity into her courses and advocating for policies that remove barriers for historically marginalized groups.

Professor Crenshaw is also doctoral candidate in the Leadership and Learning in Organizations (LLO) Program at Vanderbilt University.